Stacy Harris
Hi, I'm Stacy Harris, author of Recipes and Tips for Sustainable Living, Happy Healthy Family Tracking the Outdoors In, Wildgame: Food for Your Family, and DVD, Gourmet Venison with Stacy Harris; I am a food/sustainable living blogger at
Stacy Harris is the author of 3 cookbooks, Tracking the Outdoors In, Wildgame: Food for your Family, and Recipes and Tips for Sustainable Living as well as a DVD, Sustainable Living with Stacy Harris. Stacy has appeared and shared her recipes on various national television shows such as Deer and Deer Hunting, Destination Whitetail and the Jackie Bushman Show, as well as the nationally syndicated Rick and Bubba Show. also is a regular writer for outdoor hunting and land management magazines such as Mossy Oak GameKeepers Magazine, Buckmasters, Living Ready Magazine and other publications on the benefits and rewards of eating fresh from the wild. She supplies readers with recipes covering a wide array of fresh seasonal foods and vegetables. She writes for food, gardening, and family bloggers such as Bonnie Plants, and Southern Living as well as has her own blog,, where she shares information from gardening, hunting, and other sustainable skills to foraging for your own foods. Stacy Harris' passion for harvesting and eating from the wild began 20 years ago when she married an avid hunter and outdoorsman. Both being from Montgomery, Alabama where the land grows fabulous vegetables and huge wildlife, they decided to take advantage of the natural resources that surrounded them. Stacy Harris' passion to share her knowledge about eating all natural, healthy, pesticide, hormone, anti-biotic, and genetically modified free foods continues to grow. Creating healthier families by sharing how to grow heirloom plants, save seeds, and harvest your own food is an ever-learning adventure that she is dedicated. Stacy resides in Pike Road, Alabama with her husband, Scott, and 7 children.
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